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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Inserm-Inria project

This project is funded by the joint Inserm and Inria program `médecine numérique' and is conducted in collaborations with our clinical partners from the Lariboisière hospital, Inserm uni U942 BioCANVAS (Biomarkers in Cardio-Neuro-VAScular diseases). It supports the PhD thesis of David Sabbagh.


Post-operative delirium (POD) is a potential complication of anesthesia during surgery. It is often associated with adverse outcomes and is aggravated by aging. In elderly patients, post-operative complications have been estimated to incur tens of million US dollars of costs each year in the United States by prolonging hospitalization and potentially affecting health prognosis. Recent studies suggest that POD can already be prevented by improving electrophysiological monitoring of anesthesia depth and individual dosage of anesthetic agents. Doing so probably minimizes the time patients spend in a coma-like state that manifests itself in isoelectric burst suppression, an electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern characterized by alternation between quiescence and high-amplitude bursts, and causally linked to POD. However, such an enterprise, currently, depends on the trained clinical electrophysiologist and guidance by commercially provided EEG indices of states of consciousness. One such metric is the bispectral index (BIS), which, like other related metrics, does not explicitly take into account baseline changes related to normative aging and may therefore be biased when used naively.

While electrophysiological signatures of aging (e.g. drop in Alpha and Gamma band power), states of consciousness (e.g. drop in Theta band long-range connectivity) and drug response (e.g. anteriorization of alpha band power in propofol anesthesia) have been separately investigated in the past years, their common denominators are not known. It is therefore difficult to detect individual risk, choose the optimal dosage, and automate anesthesia monitoring readily for any patient in any hospital.

The goal of this research project is to build statistical models that enable prediction of burst suppression and subsequent POD by exploiting diverse EEG-signatures of states of consciousness in the context of aging. We approach this challenge by recasting it as a problem of learning brain-age from the point of view of electrophysiology of consciousness.

CoSmic project

Participants : Philippe Ciuciu [Correspondant] , Nicolas Chartier, Loubna El Gueddari, Zaccharie Ramzi, Chaithya Giliyar Radhkrishna.

This project is funded by CEA DRF-Impulsion.

the DRF-impulsion CEA program which has been transformed into a CEA PTC program for 2 years (2018-2020), in collaboration with Pierre Kestener, La Maison de la Simulation (CEA/CNRS).

Compressed Sensing is a recent theory in maths that allows the perfect recovery of signals or images from compressive acquisition scenarios. This approach has been popularized in MRI over the last decade as well as in astrophysics (noticeably in radio-astronomy). So far, both of these fields have developed skills in CS separately. The aim of the COSMIC project is to foster collaborations between CEA experts in MRI (Parietal team within NeuroSpin) and in astrophysics (CosmoStat lab within the Astrophysics Department). These interactions will allow us to share different expertise in order to improve image quality, either in MRI or in radio-astronomy (thanks to the interferometry principle). In this field, given the data delivered by radio-telescopes, the goal consists in extracting high temporal resolution information in order to study fast transient events.


Participants : Bertrand Thirion [Correspondant] , Gaël Varoquaux, Jérome Dockès.

This project is funded by Digiteo.

This is a Digicosme project (2016-2019) and a collaboration with Fabian Suchanek (Telecom Paritech).

Understanding how cognition emerges from the billions of neurons that constitute the human brain is a major open problem in science that could bridge natural science –biology– to humanities –psychology. Psychology studies performed on humans with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) can be used to probe the full repertoire of high-level cognitive functions. While analyzing the resulting image data for a given experiment is a relatively well-mastered process, the challenges in comparing data across multiple datasets poses serious limitation to the field. Indeed, such comparisons require to pool together brain images acquired under different settings and assess the effect of different experimental conditions that correspond to psychological effects studied by neuroscientists.

Such meta-analyses are now becoming possible thanks to the development of public data resources –OpenfMRI and NeuroVault As many others, researchers of the Parietal team understand these data sources well and contribute to them. However, in such open-ended context, the description of experiments in terms of cognitive concepts is very difficult: there is no universal definition of cognitive terms that could be employed consistently by neuroscientists. Hence meta-analytic studies loose power and specificity. On the other hand, provide a set of curated annotation, albeit on much less data, that can serve as a seed or a ground truth to define a consensual ontology of cognitive concepts. Relating these terms to brain activity poses another challenge, of statistical nature, as brain patterns form high-dimensional data in perspective with the scarcity and the noise of the data.

The purpose of this project is to learn a semantic structure in cognitive terms from their occurrence in brain activation. This structure will simplify massive multi-label statistical-learning problems that arise in brain mapping by providing compact representations of cognitive concepts while capturing the imprecision on the definition these concepts.


Participants : Bertrand Thirion [Correspondant] , Jerome-Alexis Chevalier, Joseph Salmon.

This project is funded by Digiteo.

This is a Digicosme project (2017-2020) and a collaboration with Joseph Salmon (Telecom Paritech).

The HiDimStat project aims at handling uncertainty in the challenging context of high dimensional regression problem. Though sparse models have been popularized in the last twenty years in contexts where many features can explain a phenomenon, it remains a burning issue to attribute confidence to the predictive models that they produce. Such a question is hard both from the statistical modeling point of view, and from a computation perspective. Indeed, in practical settings, the amount of features at stake (possibly up to several millions in high resolution brain imaging) limit the application of current methods and require new algorithms to achieve computational efficiency. We plan to leverage recent developments in sparse convex solvers as well as more efficient reformulations of testing and confidence interval estimates to provide several communities with practical software handling uncertainty quantification. Specific validation experiments will be performed in the field of brain imaging.

Template estimation for arbitrary alignments: application to brain imaging.

Participants : Bertrand Thirion [Correspondant] , Thomas Bazeille.

This project is funded by Digiteo.

In the recent years, the nature of scientific inference has shifted quite substantially from model-based to predictive approaches, thanks to the generalization of powerful machine learning techniques. While this has certainly improved scientific standards, this has also obscured the objects and concepts on which inference is drawn. For instance, it is now possible –based on some initial data– to predict individual brain activity topographies, yet the very notion of a standard brain template has become increasingly elusive. Given the importance of establishing models for the progress of knowledge, we revisit the problem of model inference on data with high variance. Specifically, in a context where almost arbitrary transformation can successfully warp observations to each other with high accuracy, what is the common definition of a population model underlying all these observations? What is the working definition of a template ? We plan to leverage recent developments on optimal transport and multivariate analysis to build working definition of templates; we will use them in a brain imaging context to build a novel generation of brain templates.


Participants : Alexandre Gramfort [Correspondant] , Gaël Varoquaux, Maria Telenczuk, Jiaping Liu.

CDS2 is an "Strategic research initiative” of the Paris Saclay University Idex Although it groups together many partners of the Paris Saclay ecosystem, Parietal has been deeply involved in the project. It currently funds 2 engineers: Maria Telenczuk and Jiaping (Lucy) Liu.